Nicola Cowell Checks Out

Big THANKS to Nicola for taking time out to answer a few questions for the website.


Get to know Nicola in 'Nicola Cowell Checks Out':


Q1. If you were a biscuit, what would you be? A Jammy Dodger

Q2. If I were to borrow your car right now, what CD would be in the stereo? Ibiza Mix

Q3. What is your party piece? I play the piano

Q4. Do you have any strange phobias? I hate spiders. I love cod liver oil!!

Q5. What's your most pointless purchase? Clothes - I buy too many!

Q6. Do you have a nickname? What is it? Nikki / Knickerbockerglory / Knickers

Q7. Single or Hitched? Hitched (at the moment)