Claire Louise Lambe Checks Out

Big THANKS to Claire for getting in touch and for taking time out to answer a few questions for the website.


Questions answered in 'Claire Louise Lambe Checks Out':


Q1. If you were a darts player, what would be your walk on tune?
Taio Cruz Dynamite!

Q2. If you were a biscuit, what would you be?
Chocolate Chip Biscotti..for coffee!

Q3. If I were to borrow your car right now, what CD would be in the stereo?
The Script..track and faith!

Q4. What is your party piece?

Q5. Do you have any strange phobias?
I don't know if it's strange but deep water..or moths!

Q6. Are you any good at darts? What's your favourite double?
God no..leave that to the masters!

Q7. What's your most pointless purchase?
Hmm pair of shoes I bought on sale in the wrong size because of bargain excitment. Still the labels on.

Q8. DIY or get someone in?
Get someone in..obviously??!

Q9. What does the most recent text message in your inbox say?
Aww I miss you.

Q10. What's your favourite curse word?
A lady never curses or only when no other word is appropriate..but if this one did it would probably be 'For ****sake.' (in the irish accent obv.)

Q11. Do you have a nickname? What is it?
Bear...or Lambchops.

Q12. Single or Hitched?
No ring just yet!

BIG Thanks from Hope to see you back at the darts soon :)))